what happens when i eat a prebiotic

What happens when I eat prebiotics?

What happens when I eat prebiotics?

Maastricht, 13th September, 2024

Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that stimulate the growth and activity of our intestinal bacteria. Since they have several beneficial effects on the gut health, such as microbiota support and immune system modulation, they have far reaching effects on our overall health and well-being. This article summarizes the route through the digestive system and the end benefits that can be obtained through ingestion of prebiotics and prebiotic supplements.


what happens when i eat a prebiotic

The journey of prebiotics from the mouth to the intestines

Prebiotics do not get absorbed in the mouth. Instead, they journey through the gastrointestinal tract (1) until they reach the large intestine, where they are fermented by the gut microbiota. Here is a breakdown of their journey:

The journey of prebiotics from the mouth to the intestines typically involves the following steps (2):

  1. Ingestion – Prebiotics are consumed as part of the diet through various high fibre food sources.
  2. Passage through the stomach – Once ingested, prebiotics pass through the stomach where they are exposed to gastric acids and enzymes. However, they are not broken down or absorbed in the stomach.
  3. Transit through the small intestine – Prebiotics go into the small intestine where they may undergo minimal digestion by enzymes. Those enzymes are produced by the pancreas, However, the majority of the prebiotics remain intact as they are not broken down by human digestive enzymes.
  4. Fermentation in the large intestine – The undigested prebiotics reach the large intestine, which is also called the colon. There they serve as a substrate for fermentation by the gut microbiota.
  5. Absorption of fermentation byproducts.

These 2 beneficial bacteria play a major role in the fermentation of prebiotics

Two key types of beneficial bacteria in the gut are Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli, which can be significantly stimulated by galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS). GOS are a type of prebiotic fiber made up of short chains of galactose molecules connected by glycosidic bonds, derived from lactose (3).

Bifidobacteria are anaerobic bacteria that predominantly reside in the human colon and are one of the most abundant genera in the gut microbiota (4).

Lactobacilli, also Gram-positive bacteria, are commonly found in the human gastrointestinal tract (5). Both Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli contribute to gut health by aiding digestion, supporting immune function, and inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria. Research indicates that certain strains of Lactobacilli offer additional health benefits, such as reducing the risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, alleviating symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and promoting vaginal health in women (4, 5).

What are prebiotics doing in the intestines?

When prebiotics reach the colon, Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli, and other gut bacteria possess enzymes capable of breaking down the carbohydrates in prebiotics—something human digestive enzymes cannot do.

As prebiotics are fermented by these bacteria, they produce various metabolites, mainly short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) like acetate, propionate, and butyrate. These SCFAs play a vital role in maintaining gut health and offer numerous benefits to the body. Additionally, fermentation generates gases such as hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide, which can affect gut motility and lead to bloating and flatulence in some individuals (6).

SCFAs are absorbed into the bloodstream via the colon lining and travel to various tissues and organs. In particular, they reach the liver, where they can be metabolized or used as an energy source.

Butyrate is especially important for colonic health, serving as the primary energy source for colon cells (colonocytes) and helping maintain a healthy gut barrier (7).

Acetate and propionate have also been shown to influence metabolic processes and may play a role in regulating glucose and lipid metabolism (8).

How to increase your intake of prebiotics?


In conclusion, Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli are essential gut bacteria that promote digestive health, immune function, and inhibit harmful pathogens. Prebiotics stimulate these bacteria, leading to the production of SCFAs such as butyrate, acetate, and propionate. These SCFAs support gut health, influence metabolic processes, and contribute to overall well-being.

clinical endpoints for stress

How to measure stress in a clinical study?

How to measure stress in a clinical study?

Maastricht, 30th August, 2024

Long exposure to stress can come with several clinical implications for one’s physical as well as mental health. Stress can be clinically measured at multiple levels. Self-assessment scales reflect a subjective way to measure stress while biomarkers reflect a more objective measure of stress. Both types of measures are important in order to understand the relationship between stress and health and how to properly intervene. In this article we will outline Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), the Life Events and Difficulties Schedule (LEDS) and physiological measures such as cortisol levels, heart rate, and cytokine levels.


clinical endpoints for stress

What is stress?

Stress refers to experiences in which the demands of a certain event surpass an individual’s ability to cope with the situation. An important distinction has to be made between so-called stressors and the following response to these. Stressors are certain stressful events that have the potential to disturb an individual’s ability to function optimally. Stressors lead to stress responses, which are the cognitive, emotional, and biological reactions that evoke after such event (1).

When measuring stress, clinical endpoints often focus on both psychological as well as physiological indicators.


Below are the top clinically validated measures for stress


Psychological Measures for Stress

Psychological measures often include self-report measures of stress in the form of scales and questionnaires.


The Perceived Stress Scale:

The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) is the most common psychological scale to measure stress. It measures to what extent certain life situations are perceived as stressful over the past month. Scores are calculated through the use of the following five-point scale: 0 = never, 1 = almost never, 2 = once in a while, 3 = often, and 4 = very often. The total of this score represents the level of perceived stress. It captures stress over a shorter period of time (2).


Life Events and Difficulties Schedule:

The Life Events and Difficulties Schedule (LEDS) measures the exposure to severe acute events and chronic obstacles over the previous year. It involves an interview where the participant has to recall 95 possible life events. Additional context around each event is proved by the participant as well. Such events are grouped into one of the following 10 domains: education, work, reproduction, housing, money/possessions, crime/legal, health/treatment/accidents, marital/partner relationship, other relationships, and miscellaneous (2).


Physiological Measures for Stress

Physiological measures often include tracking the levels of several biomarkers in order to assess the HPA axis, autonomic nervous system, and immune system.


Cortisol – HPA axis:

The HPA axis is especially responsive to psychosocial stress. The main output of this axis is the hormone cortisol. Cortisol levels in the body can vary depending on environmental events and surrounding stressors. Cortisol can fluctuate acutely but can also be chronically high or low. Cortisol can be measured at multiple levels (2):

  • Saliva – representing acute cortisol changes
  • Blood – representing acute cortisol changes
  • Urine – representing daily cortisol secretion
  • Hair – representing long-term cortisol levels


Cardiac performance – Autonomic nervous system:

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is one of the main influencers of cardiac performance. Heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV) can be used to assess variations within the ANS response to stressors. Heart rate refers to the number of beats per minute. HRV refers to the fluctuating time in between heart beats. When exposed to stress, heart rate as well as breathing patterns often speed up while HRV decreases (2).


Cytokines – Immune system:

Activation of the immune system is also a response to stress. Cytokines are a group of signalling molecules which regulate immune function. They can be measured from the blood. Interleukin (IL)-6, for example, plays an important role in the onset of fever and the acute inflammatory response. C-reactive protein (CRP) is released in response to inflammation and has been associated with stress in humans (2).


Grasping the relationship between stress and health

Stress can be measured at multiple levels. Self-assessment scales reflect a subjective way to measure stress while biomarkers reflect a more objective measure of stress. Both types of measures are important in order to understand the relationship between stress and health.

biohacking for longer life

Biohacking: How to reverse the biological clock?

Biohacking: How to reverse the biological clock?

Maastricht, 16th August, 2024

On a global level, the number of people aging beyond 65 is rapidly progressing. Everybody would like to live longer but at the same time feel younger. Therefore, we have to start looking for ways to age as healthy as possible. Is biohacking the key?

biohacking for longer life

What is biohacking?

Biohacking is a relatively new term, referring to the optimization of the internal biological processes, aiming to improve physical health and extend one’s lifespan. The focus is on longevity through interference with aging at the cellular and genetic level. Biohacking includes a wide variety of interventions that can be applied to boost energy and vitality. There are several key target areas, like:


Physical activity to slow down the biological clock

Physical activity is known to boost overall health and slow down aging. Different types of physical activity can be done to reverse aging. Engaging in strength training helps to maintain muscle mass, increase bone mineral density, and is of positive influence on overall metabolic health. This contributes to a longer life span in a healthy way. On the other hand, aerobic exercise can improve cardiovascular as well as lung health. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), combining both strength training as well as aerobic exercises, improves general fitness and training’s efficiency (1).


Diet to promote longevity

With regards to nutrition, several dietary methods can be applied to reverse the biological clock. For example, intermittent fasting could stimulate cellular repair processes, decrease inflammation, and improve overall metabolic health (2). Also, caloric restriction, within a certain range, is associated with an increased life span (2). Biohackers try out a lot of different diets in order to achieve the most optimal energy levels, boost brain function and general health. Specific supplements are also used quite frequently in order to fill the nutritional gaps in one’s diet.

Strengthening your bones to improve biological age:


With age, several changes occur to our bone homeostasis that can impact our bone health and thus our biological age (3). The following changes occur:

  • Decrease in bone density – especially in post-menopausal women due to a decrease in estrogen levels
  • Decreased bone remodelling rate
  • Changed bone structure
  • Loss of bone mass

The rapid deterioration of bone health can be slowed down by taking preventive measures. For example, staying physically active or taking supportive supplements could aid in the improvement of bone health and thus the reduction of biological age.


Improved mental health extends lifespan

Stress management is an important aspect for longevity. Practices like meditation and yoga are associated with stress reduction and emotion control (4). Training your cognition and building a cognitive reserve is an important factor to prevent age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases (5).

Sufficient sleep reduces your biological age

Getting enough quality sleep, consistently every night, is essential for cellular repair, optimal immunity and mental health. It is essential to reduce the exposure to sleep-disturbing blue lights in order to keep your circadian rhythm in check (6). Quality sleep means getting approximately 8 hours of sleep every night, passing through the sleep cycle multiple times (7).


Applying technology to measure health parameters

In order to get some insights in your internal health and overall well-being, wearable devices and apps can be of great support. Several metrics like heart rate, blood pressure, sleeping patterns, eating patterns, and activity levels provide valuable data in order to see in which area action is required. In this way, technology serves as a helpful tool to give us knowledge about what to adapt, change and improve to help extend our lifespan.



Human bodies are unique, and they react differently to lifestyle factors and interventions. Yet, everyone would like to live better and longer. The different practices of biohacking may benefit people in different ways. Still, it is a case of trial and error to find the most optimal solution for optimal energy, mental, and physical health for each individual.

supplement for energy and vitality

Top 5 reasons to include Actiful® in your energy supplement

Top 5 reasons to include Actiful® in your energy supplement

Last updated: August 9th, 2024

May 25th, 2023

The need for clinically tested supplements is increasing as consumers become more aware of their impact on health. Yet, a lot of ingredients are saturating the market and supplement formulators may feel overwhelmed to make the right choices. In this article, we’ll cover the top five reasons why Actiful® is a good ingredient for your energy supplement.

supplement for energy and vitality

Increasing market demand for vitality supplements

Low energy levels and a lack of vitality are common challanges in today’s fast-paced world. Many consumers turn to dietary supplements to manage the daily mental and physical stressors they face. Energy-enhancing supplements aim to prevent fatigue, increase physical activity, and promote social engagement.

A Mediterranean complex of orange and pomegranate

Actfiul® is a patent-protected, all-natural ingredient. It is standardized for its hesperidin and punicalagin content: the main polyphenols found in sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) and pomegranate (Punica granatum), respectively. Both compounds have been extensively studied for their potential health benefits.

Top 5 reasons to use Actiful® as an ingredient for your energy supplement


1. Enhanced physical performance in both young and old

A recent study among active seniors found that daily supplementation with Actiful® for four weeks significantly increased their handgrip strength (1). Handgrip strength is a crucial measure of physical fitness in the elderly as it is indicative of overall health and functional status in day-to-day life.

2. Mental wellbeing

In addition to improved physical fitness, senoir subjects who supplemented Actiful® also experienced psychological benefits. Compared to the placebo group, the Actiful® group demonstrated significant improvements in cognitive domains such as thinking, memory, learning, and concentration (1). These elements are essential for maintaining one’s quality of life and wellbeing.

Given the critical connection between the mind and body, Actiful® is a great possibility for physical and mental boost.

3. Lowering the proton leakage in mitochondria

To produce energy, mitochondria require oxygen. The protons in the intermembrane space are needed to support the energy production process. However, due to unregulated or induced leaks, protons could leave this space and delay the energy production (2). By inhibiting proton leakage across the mitochondrial intermembrane, the energy production cam be enhanced directly.

A strategy to boost mitochondria function is to include specific nutrients into the diet. For example, experiments in muscle cells have demonstrated that hesperidin, the active ingredient of Actiful®, could improve energy production by directly targeting the mitochondria (3).

4. ROS scavenging effect

During physical activity, there is an increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), stimulating exercise adaptations within the cell. However, excessive amounts of ROS could lead to damage to the mitochondria and other crucial structures of the cell, which can impair their functionality (4).

Hesperidin has been demonstrated to not only scavenge ROS directly but also enhance the natural antioxidant systems present in cells (3). In addition, pomegranate has also been found to improve antioxidant status (5).
Therefore, Actiful®’s antioxidant capabilities may improve vitality by preserving the functionality of cells and tissues.

5. Improved bloodflow

Nitric oxide (NO) is a key factor in regulating blood flow, as it supports vasodilation and angiogenesis, allowing more oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to pass through and reach target cells faster. Notewoerthy, hesperidin is thought to activate the production of eNOS, the enzyme that activates NO production (6).

Furthermore, when oxygen is limited, dietary nitrate raises NO levels internally. Pomegranate, which is high in Punicalagin, is a potent source of dietary nitrate, which is why it was added in the formulation of Actiful®. In this way. hesperidin and punicalagin work together to ensure NO production boost via both pathways.

Actiful®: the key ingredient of your energy supplement

All in all, Actiful® is a natural and safe ingredient that has the ideal properties to be incorporated in energy supplements that aim to provide acute and sustained improvements in vitality!

senescence health beenfits

What is cellular senescence and its impact on health?

What is cellular senescence and its impact on health?

Maastricht, 2nd August, 2024

Cellular senescence is a fascinating and complex biological phenomenon that plays a crucial role in maintaining cellular health. This stage of the cell cycle arrest is not just a passive endpoint for cells; it is an active, multifaceted process that has profound implications for our overall health and aging.

senescence health beenfits

What is cellular senescence?


At its core, cellular senescence is a protective mechanism. When cells experience significant stress—be it from DNA damage, oxidative stress, or simply the natural aging process—they can enter a state of permanent growth arrest. This means they stop dividing but remain metabolically active (1). In other words, senescent cells remain alive and functional, yet they will not multiply anymore. Cells at this stage of their life cycle could exhibit both advantages and disadvantages for overall health


Senescence and its protective effect


When cells become damaged or stressed to the point where they might start dividing uncontrollably (a hallmark of tumor creation), entering senescence prevents this from happening. This growth arrest ensures that damaged cells do not proliferate and form tumors (2). Moreover, senescent cells secrete a variety of factors known as the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), which can recruit immune cells to clear potentially harmful cells (3).


Senescence and tissue health


Senescent cells also play a beneficial role in tissue repair and wound healing. The SASP factors they release can promote tissue regeneration and remodeling (3). This is particularly important in response to injury, where a rapid and effective healing process is critical.

The downside of cellular senescence


However, cellular senescence is not without its downsides. As we age, the number of senescent cells in our tissues increases. While a few senescent cells can aid in repair and protection, an accumulation can have detrimental effects. The SASP, while beneficial in small doses, can create a pro-inflammatory environment when produced in excess (4). This chronic inflammation is linked to a host of age-related and neurodegenerative diseases


Therapeutic potential of senescence


The dual nature of cellular senescence—protective on one hand and potentially harmful on the other—makes it a compelling target for therapeutic interventions. Researchers are exploring ways to selectively remove senescent cells, a strategy known as “senolytics,” to treat age-related diseases and improve health span (5). Another approach is to modulate the SASP to retain its beneficial effects while minimizing its harmful ones.




Cellular senescence is a critical player in the intricate balance of cellular health. It protects us from cancer and aids in tissue repair, yet contributes to aging and chronic disease when not properly regulated. Understanding and manipulating this complex process holds the promise of new therapies to combat age-related diseases and enhance longevity, making cellular senescence a key focus for healthier aging.


How to increase energy levels via the diet?

How to increase energy levels via the diet?

Last updated: July 26th, 2024

February 23rd, 2023

Maintaining high energy levels is crucial to effectively tackle daily tasks. While lifestyle habits like regular physical activity and good sleep patterns play a vital role, different foods might also impact energy levels. Read more in this article!


How to maintain daily energy?

To tackle daily tasks at work or at home it is best to be fully energized. Lifestyle habits influence the daily energy levels. Aside from looking after physical activity and sleep pattern, the diet can also largly influence how energised we feel.

In this article, we will dive in the 4 best natural compounds to boost overall daily energy!

B Vitamins for energy

B vitamins are crucial for maintaining energy levels as they play a key role in converting the food we eat into usable energy. Specifically, B vitamins like B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6, B7 (biotin), B9 (folate), and B12 are involved in various metabolic processes that help the body produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the primary energy carrier in cells. Adequate intake of these vitamins ensures that the body efficiently metabolizes carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, supporting overall vitality and reducing fatigue (1).

Nitrates against fatigue

Nitrate-rich foods, such as beets, spinach, and arugula, are beneficial for energy levels due to their ability to enhance blood flow and improve oxygen delivery throughout the body. When consumed, nitrates are converted into nitric oxide, a molecule that helps relax and widen blood vessels, thereby increasing blood flow. This improved circulation supports more efficient delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscles and tissues, enhancing physical performance and reducing fatigue. Incorporating nitrate-rich foods or supplements into the diet can thus help sustain energy levels, particularly during exercise and physical activities (2).

Hesperidin for energy boost

Hesperidin is a polyphenol abundantly present in citrus fruits, like oranges. Once ingested, hesperidin is converted into hesperetin by bacteria in the intestines. Hesperetin is then absorbed into the blood and transported to different parts of the body. Hesperidin increases the availability of nitric oxide, leading to increased blood flow to tissues and consequently to a higher supply of oxygen and nutrients to the body cells (3).

These characteristics make hesperidin most suitable to enhance recovery after physical activity, optimize the oxygen and nutrient supply to the muscles. That’s why hesperididin is often a great addition to energy or sports supplements.

Ashwagandha root against inflammation

Ashwagandha, also known as Withania somnifera, is a traditional herb from India. Ashwagandha is an apoptogenic herb, meaning that it helps the body’s response to stress. Due to its diverse composition of phytochemicals, Ashwagandha root extract has been researched for many biological implications. Fore example, it could reduce inflammation and boost the protection against infections (4).


In conclusion, there are several natural compounds that can help boost energy levels without resorting to caffeine or other instant energy boosters. B Vitamins, nitrate, hesperidin, and Ashwagandha root are all natural compounds that can help optimize the processes in the body, increase blood flow, reduce oxidative stress, and improve mitochondrial function. Incorporating these actives into the diet, alongside with maintaining good sleep patterns and engaging in regular physical activity, can help you maintain high energy levels and perform well throughout the day.

Want to know more about nutrients that help your mitochondrial health? Read about it here!

antioxidants polyphenols and astaxanthin

What are antioxidants?

What are antioxidants?

Maastricht, 19th July, 2024

Everybody has heard of antioxidants as they are commonly discussed in health, bringing several benefits. However, what exactly are antioxidants, and why do they matter? This blog will explain the notion of antioxidants, how they operate and what is their relevance in maintaining good health.

antioxidants polyphenols and astaxanthin

Understanding antioxidants

What are Antioxidants?

Antioxidants are molecules that neutralize free radicals, which are unstable substances that can harm cells. Free radicals are naturally produced by numerous body processes, but they may also be caused by external influences such as pollution and smoking. In cases of strenuous exercise or other stressful for the body circumstances, free radicals could over accumulate and produce oxidative stress, which harms cells and contributes to chronic diseases (1). Fortunatelly, antioxidants can neutralize the free radicals and restore cellular balance.

How do Antioxidants work?

Antioxidants neutralize free radicals by donating an electron to stabilize these reactive molecules, thus preventing them from causing cellular damage. This process is essential in protecting the body from oxidative stress, which is associated with aging and various long-term conditions (2).


Sources of Antioxidants

Natural Sources (3):

  • Fruits and Vegetables: Rich in vitamins C and E, and beta-carotene, found in foods like berries, carrots, and spinach.
  • Nuts and Seeds: High in vitamin E and selenium.

Dietary Supplements:

  • Astaxanthin is the most potent antioxidant from natural origin. It is extracted from H. Pluvialis microalgae. Daily supplementation requires a conveninet dose, bringing health advantages in terms of cellular health, longevity and healthy aging.
  • Polyphenols are another strong source of antioxidants that is much more sustainable and safe than synthetic antioxidants. They can be supplemented as extracts from citrus fruits in an easy to get, single daily dose format.

Health benefits of Antioxidants


  • Longevity support

Antioxidants can help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems and protecting cells from DNA damage (4).

  • Anti-Aging Properties

Oxidative stress significantly contributes to the aging process. Antioxidants can help mitigate this, promoting healthier, younger-looking skin (5).


Antioxidants help to protect the body against oxidative stress and free radical damage, linked to a number of chronic conditions and the aging process. Consuming antioxidant-rich foods and taking quality supplements can help you maintain cellular health and longevity. As research into antioxidants advances, their importance in our daily lives becomes more apparent, underlining their crucial role in maintaining long-term health.

actiful - ingredient for mitochondria

Ingredients to support mitochondrial health

Ingredients to support mitochondrial health

Last updated: July 12th, 2024

August 8th, 2023

Discover the influence of nutrients on your mitochondrial health. Dive into our blog to learn how magnesium, hesperidin, vitamin C, omega-3s, and more can enhance your mitochondrial health and boost your overall vitality.

actiful - ingredient for mitochondria

Nutrients to support mitochondrial health

Maintaining the optimal performance of our mitochondria is pivotal for our overall well-being. These microscopic organelles act as cellular powerhouses, generating the energy necessary for our optimal cell function.

Beyond energy production, they also regulate metabolic processes and uphold a delicate balance of nutrients within our cells

Dysfunctional mitochondria could result in symptoms like fatigue and muscle weakness. In more serious instances, they could lead to long-term health conditions.

Consequently, prioritizing the health of our mitochondria is not only essential for general vitality but also plays a preventive role against potential illnesses.

Within this article, we will take a look at specific nutrients that actively contribute to the maintenance and augmentation of mitochondrial health.

Magnesium and mitochondrial vitality

Magnesium plays a vital role in ensuring the well-being of our mitochondria. It serves as a crucial facilitator for enzymes responsible for energy production, while also exhibiting antioxidant properties.

The antioxidative function of magnesium is particularly significant, shielding mitochondria from potential risks induced by harmful molecules. Additionally, magnesium regulates calcium levels within mitochondria, a pivotal function in avoiding potential malfunctioning (1).

Sustaining an appropriate intake of magnesium is essential to uphold the health of mitochondria. Incorporating magnesium-rich foods into our diet, such as nuts, seeds, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables, provide a natural source of this essential mineral.

Hesperidin: a citrus boost for mitochondria

Hesperidin, a natural compound present in citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, plays a big role in maintaining mitochondrial health.

By boosting the expression of genes linked to energy production, hesperidin enhances mitochondrial functionality. This augmentation translates to increased energy production within the mitochondria, resulting in elevated energy levels and reduced fatigue (2).

Moreover, hesperidin has an anti-inflammatory effects. As inflammation can contribute to mitochondrial disturbances, mitigating this challenge becomes paramount mitochondrial well-being.

Vitamin C to boost mitochondrial health

Vitamin C holds a crucial role in maintaining the well-being of our mitochondria. Serving as one of the body’s most potent antioxidants, vitamin C offers safeguarding powers against detrimental molecules known as free radicals, shielding our mitochondria from harm (3).

Free radicals possess the capacity to impair mitochondria, diminishing their capacity to generate energy. However, vitamin C effectively counters these radicals, preventing the damaging effects.

Therefore, ensuring your diet includes a good dose of vitamin C becomes a noteworthy strategy to keep healthy mitochondria.

Omega-3s: helpful for energy

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of healthy fat found in foods like fatty fish, nuts, and seeds. They play a crucial role in promoting the health of mitochondria.

Omega-3s could boost mitochondrial function: they help these powerhouses generate more energy from the same amount of nutrients, which leads to less fatigue and more energy (4). Omega-3s also shield mitochondria from damage caused by harmful molecules.

Including foods rich in omega-3s in our diet is a smart move to support your mitochondria, boost energy production, and keep inflammation in check.

Astaxanthin: the key to alleviate mitochondrial ROS

Astaxanthin aids in the neutralization of oxidative stress within mitochondria, thereby contributing to overall mitochondrial health and proper mitochondrial functioning.

Astaxanthin is a very strong antioxidant that can be derived from the microalgae H. Pluvialis. Due to its lipophilicity, astaxanthin is able to cross cell membranes, and thereby reach the mitochondria. Due to its antioxidant activity within the mitochondria, it is able to scavenge Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and other free radical types, and thus decrease oxidative stress. It also exerts anti-inflammatory effects. Hereby, proper functioning of the mitochondria, including mitochondrial respiration and energy production, is supported (5).

Next to the microalgae H. Pluvialis, astaxanthin can also be found within seafoods such as salmon, crab and shrimp.


In summary, looking after the health of mitochondria is vital for general well-being. A range of nutrients, such as hesperidin, magnesium, astaxanthin, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin C, play key roles in supporting mitochondrial function, helping to diminish oxidative stress and inflammation.

By incorporating these essential nutrients in the diet, we can effectively boost our mitochondrial health and ensure optimal energy production.

tips for healthy aging

4 Tips for Healthy Aging

4 Tips for Healthy Aging

Maastricht, 5th July, 2024

People worldwide are aiming to live longer and the key to enjoying those extra years is ensuring quality aging. It’s not just about getting older, it’s about getting older in good health. This is a global issue that affects everyone. How to achieve it?

tips for healthy aging

What is aging?


Aging itself isn’t a disease, but it does make us more vulnerable. Good health in old age means maintaining independence, which involves two main aspects: mobility, which can be driving a car or simply going to the toilet; and cognitive health – your ability to think, learn, and remember. There is a link between them as being sedentary can negatively impact your cognitive health (1). So, how to limit the loss of mobility and maintain cognitive health?

Tips for Healthy Aging


1.Take Care of Your Mental Health: As people age, they may experience certain life changes, such as retirement, which is a significant risk factor for mental health issues like depression (2, 3). Depression, in turn, is an established risk factor for functional mobility impairment (4). Additionally, stopping work may often result in memory loss and experiencing reduced social interaction, both crucial for cognitive health. Social interaction is extremely beneficial for memory (5) and should be encouraged especially after retirement.


2.Stay Physically Active: Regular physical activity is crucial for successful aging as it preserves muscle performance, promotes mobility, and reduces the risk of falls, thereby significantly boosting physical well-being (6). Physical exercises like yoga or walking also improve psychological well-being (including depression) by reducing muscle tension (7). Moreover, physical activity supports brain health by promoting brain maintenancе (8). It induces biological and structural changes in the brain (9), increases blood flow and oxygen delivery to your brain, which helps with memory and learning by benefiting the hippocampus, a key memory structure (7). This is essential since aging is associated with memory decline (10). To prevent it, engage yourself in activities like jogging, running, cycling, or swimming.


3.Take Care of Your Cognitive Health: Some people may possess or develop a cognitive reserve that helps them resist cognitive aging and reduce the impact of potential brain damage (11). This means their brain can function well even when affected by similar levels of deterioration as others. Key factors that improve cognitive reserve include cognitive stimulation and lifelong learning (12). To increase focus and protect your memory, use it regularly. Try navigating without maps, memorize your relatives’ phone numbers, read or learn a new language.


4.Make Smart Food Choices: Consuming flavonoid-rich foods, such as berries or citrus fruits throughout life may help limit or even reverse age-related memory and cognitive decline. Polyphenols, found in these foods, improve synaptic transmission, increase synaptic plasticity, and enhance neurogenesis. These compounds not only provide various other health benefits that collectively support memory (10, 13), but also may enhance muscle health (14), which is important for maintaining mobility. Additionally, there is an inverse relationship between the intake of polyphenols and depressive symptoms—the more you consume, the less likely you are to experience depression (15), supporting both mental well-being and cognitive health.




Healthy aging is about maintaining physical and cognitive health. By staying active, caring for mental and cognitive well-being, and making smart food choices, you can enjoy your later years with greater independence and vitality. Aging well is not just about adding years to life but adding life to years.

astaxanthin for cellular health

How to promote longevity via cellular health?

How to promote longevity via cellular health?

Maastricht, 21st June, 2024

Longevity refers to living a longer and healthier life. While aging is a natural process, it is possible to minimize the physical and cognitive decline that comes with it and reduce the risk of certain diseases. The question is: how to achieve this?

astaxanthin for cellular health

The body is a complex network of cells and tissues that communicate with each other to perform all its functions. This article will how longevity can be promoted at three levels:

  • Cellular health, notably by combatting oxidative stress and making the mitochondria work better
  • Organ health, notably by preventing arterial stiffness and by gut microbiota
  • Whole body health by enhancing mobility, brain fitness and mental wellness.


What is oxidative stress?

Oxidative stress occurs when there is a physiological imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the cell’s ability to neutralize them.

Mitochondria, the organelles that produce energy for cellular functions, are also a production site of ROS. That is because cellular respiration, the metabolic pathway in mitochondria that produces energy, also generates ROS (1).

ROS are oxidants that can cause damage to cellular components like proteins and DNA, leading to the formation of toxic compounds. One such compound is 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE), which amplifies oxidative stress by damaging cell membranes (2).

Although our bodies have endogenous defense systems to combat oxidative stress, their efficiency decreases with age. Therefore, it is crucial to support mitochondria for longevity and overall cell health by including antioxidant-rich foods in our diet.

For instance, vitamin C contributes to mitochondrial well-being (3). Therefore, consuming vitamin C-rich foods, such as citrus fruits, help maintain mitochondrial health and cellular homeostasis. Another example is Haematococcus pluvialis, a type of microalga, naturally produces one of the strongest antioxidants: astaxanthin.  Astaxanthin protects cell membrane by scavenging ROS in both the inner and outer layers (4).

quality of life and longevity

What is the effect of aging on tissue health?

The tissues in our body are composed of groups of cells that share similar features and functions. Tissues are prone to deterioration with age. For example, aging is a major risk factor for vascular dysfunction and the development of vascular diseases.

Elastin and collagen are proteins that provide mechanical properties to blood vessels, with elastin contributing to their elasticity and collagen to their rigidity. As blood vessels age, they tend to become stiffer due to a decrease in elastin fibers and an increase in collagen fibrils.

A metabolic reaction that can amplify vessel stiffness is glycation. This reaction occurs between sugars and amino groups from proteins, lipids or nucleic acids, resulting in the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). While the formation of AGEs is a normal part of metabolism, high levels of AGEs in tissues and circulation can be harmful (5).


How to prevent cognitive and physical decline with age?

Changes at cellular and tissue levels are perceptible in the physical and mental state of the body. As we age, the loss of muscle mass leads to general mobility issues and reduced strength. By the age of 80, 30% of muscle mass is lost, and this percentage can be higher if physical inactivity is combined with poor nutrition (6).  This decline in muscle capacity is partly due to a decrease in both the number and functionality of mitochondria, resulting in less energy being produced for muscle tissues.

Additionally, aging makes problem-solving and memorization more challenging. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a protein crucial for neuronal cell survival and plasticity. It plays a key role in the generation of neurons in the central nervous system.

A balanced diet rich in red fruits is beneficial for cognitive health because of their high anthocyanins content, molecules known for their positive and protective effects on the nervous tissues (7).  Studies have shown that a one-week supplementation of 180mg anthocyanin per day increased BDNF levels in healthy young adults (8).


Therefore, to promote longevity, it is important to include antioxidant-rich foods, stay mentally active, consume enough protein to support muscle mass, stay well-hydrated, and get sufficient sleep. Moreover, specific supplementation with nutrients that stimulate mitochondrial efficiency, protect arteries, promote brain fitness, mobility and mental wellness will further boost cellular health and overall longevity.