men health

Top 5 ingredients for men's health

Top 5 ingredients for men’s health

October 30th, 2023

Incorporating health ingredients into daily routines helps to support men’s well-being and health. We will provide you with evidence-based recommendations on five key ingredients supporting men’s health and sexual function, including fenugreek seed extract, zinc, B vitamins, pomegranate extract, and hesperidin.

men health

In today’s fast-paced world, prioritizing our health and well-being is becoming more and more important, also for men. As the increasing expectations and pressures of our lives continue to evolve, it is important for men to develop a proactive approach to maintain their physical, mental, and sexual health.

Health ingredients are designed to meet men’s health needs, ensuring that they stay healthy and full of energy. In this article, we will provide evidence-based recommendations on five key ingredients supporting men’s health and sexual function.

Fenugreek seed extract

As men age, they experience a decrease in testosterone levels. This phenomenon is also known as andropause. Testosterone plays a role in many aspects of health, including sexual function, muscle and bone mass, energy levels, and metabolism. One of the ingredients that may help to combat the problems related to andropause is fenugreek seed extract . Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a very interesting herb with many potential health benefits.

A study performed on 120 healthy men showed that a 12-week supplementation of fenugreek seed extract (600 mg/day) increased testosterone levels and improved sexual function, compared to placebo [1]. Also, supplementation of fenugreek seed extract in healthy male athletes resulted in increased fat-free mass, lean body mass, and elevated testosterone levels compared to placebo [2]. These findings suggest that fenugreek seed extract is a promising ingredient for men’s health, especially in terms of increasing testosterone levels and improving sexual function.


Zinc is an essential mineral, which means that it is not produced by the body itself. It plays an important role in many physiological functions, such as supporting the immune system and healing damaged cells. Zinc is a critical mineral for men’s health as even a small deficiency can impact the immune system, cardiovascular health, reproductive function, and fertility [3].

Sufficient intake of zinc contributes to normal fertility and sexual function in males. Low levels of zinc are related to low levels of testosterone. Besides, it is also important for the normal functioning of the immune system, and the maintenance of bone health [4].

Therefore, we can state that zinc is an important mineral that can help men improve their sexual health and energy levels and maintain a healthy immune system.

B Vitamins

B vitamins play a vital role in the human body. They are involved in many important functions. For example, they are crucial for energy production, oxygen support, and bone health.

The vitamin B complex consists of a total of eight B vitamins, with several of them having beneficial effects on men’s health, for example:

Vitamin B12: Adequate levels of vitamin B12 are important for the production of red blood cells, which are responsible for oxygen transport. Also, studies showed that vitamin B12 is important for bone health [5, 6].

Vitamin B9: Vitamin B9, also known as folate, is not only an important vitamin for women but also for men. Research has shown that folate contributes to the reduction of fatigue, which is a common complaint nowadays [7].

Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 plays a vital role in energy and vitality. Intake of this vitamin contributes to normal energy metabolism. Studies also showed that it leads to a decrease in fatigue and tiredness [8].

Vitamin B5: Pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin B5 is an essential vitamin, which plays a vital role in various functions in the body. It is mainly known for its important role in the metabolism of food, leading to energy production [9].

All in all, B vitamins are important for energy production. Increased energy levels lead to improved stamina and sexual performance.

Pomegranate extract

Pomegranate (Punicagranatum L.) is a fruit that contains lots of healthy phytochemical compounds, such as polyphenols, flavonoids, and nitrates [10]. These phytochemicals have many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities beneficial for men’s health [11].

The polyphenols within pomegranate fruit are the main bioactive compounds responsible for the various health benefits attributed to this extract. The peel of the pomegranate contains the highest amounts of polyphenols. Two of the primary polyphenols in the peel are ellagitannins (punicalagin and punicalin) and ellagic acid [12].

Studies showed that pomegranate extracts are associated with the treatment and prevention of many diseases and disorders in men , such as cardiovascular diseases, infertility, and erectile dysfunction [13, 14, 15]. For example, pomegranate has a positive effect on blood flow, key for erectile function and sexual performance [16].


Hesperidin is a bioflavonoid found in citrus fruits, abundant in sweet oranges (Citrus sinensis). After ingestion, hesperidin is converted to hesperetin by the microbiome. Hesperetin is considered the active metabolite of hesperidin and has been shown to have several beneficial health effects for men.

One of the health effects of hesperidin is that it has antioxidant activity, through neutralizing Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) [17]. This may eventually lead to enhanced overall well-being and an increase in energy when you need it most. This antioxidant activity also has a positive effect on fertility in men, since free radicals (ROS) decrease sperm motility and increase DNA damage [18].

Additionally, hesperidin is known for its positive effect on blood flow. The active ingredient achieves this by increasing the availability of nitric oxide [19]. Eventually, this leads to an improved supply of nutrients and oxygen during physical and sexual activity, and to an improved erectile function.

Actiful®: An ingredient containing hesperidin and punicalagin

Actiful® is a natural orange and pomegranate complex and is standardized for highly bioavailable hesperidin and punicalagin: the primary polyphenols present in sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) and pomegranate peel (Punica granatum).

The health benefits of this ingredient have been scientifically validated and confirmed through multiple randomized double-blind controlled trials. It is clinically proven that Actiful® results in enhanced physical performance in men [20, 21].

Actiful® not only influences physical performance. It also boosts energy levels by targeting the mitochondria within the cells [22]. Additionally, Actiful® has been demonstrated to positively impact mental health [19].

Lastly, it has been shown that Actiful® positively affects blood flow [21], by increasing the availability of nitric oxide. Hereby it promotes improved erectile function in men, leading to longer-lasting erections.

Overall, Actiful® stands as a promising and scientifically backed choice for men aiming to improve their physical performance, sexual function, and overall health.

Studie Citrus Extract Dutch


In dit onderzoek bekijken we of het dagelijks innemen van een Citrus extract een effect heeft op verschillende factoren van slaap, de mentale gezondheid en de darmgezondheid. Geïnteresseerd om meer te weten over dit lopende project of bent u geïnteresseerd om deel te nemen aan de studie als participant? Lees hieronder meer. 

citrus and sleep study

Wat houdt het onderzoek in? 

Het onderzoek duurt in totaal 21 weken. Gedurende de interventieperiode en de controle periode neemt u elke dag twee capsules in.  

Eerst komt u langs voor een vooronderzoek en als u geschikt bent komt u in totaal zes keer verspreid over 21 weken naar de universiteit voor diverse metingen. De volgende metingen worden uitgevoerd:  

  • Bloedafname 
  • Invullen van vragenlijsten 
  • Dagelijks invullen van een dagboek 
  • Dragen van een fitbit (ook ’s nachts) 
  • Verzameling van ontlasting 
  • Verzameling van speeksel 

De vergoeding voor deelname bedraagt in totaal €250,-. Bovendien worden de gemaakte reiskosten vergoed (€ 0,19/km). 

We zoeken participanten! We zijn op zoek naar mannen en vrouwen:

  • 40 – 70 jaar oud
  • Niet-rokend
  • BMI = 18.5 – 30 kg/m2 (Klik hier  om uw BMI te berekenen.)



Heeft u interesse om deel te nemen aan de studie of zou u meer informatie willen? Stuur dan een mail naar of vul onderstaand formulier in!

    microbiomex or gut health

    Everything you need to know about MicrobiomeX® and gut health

    Everything you need to know about MicrobiomeX® and gut health

    October 11th, 2023

    The gut microbiome plays a vital role in our digestive system, responsible for digesting nutrients while also serving as a central component of our gut wall and immune system. Maintaining a healthy microbiome profile is of utmost importance and ongoing research continues to shed light on its intricate functions. In this article, we introduce MicrobiomeX®, one of our sustainably sourced, plant-based active ingredients supported by clinical research. Explore the benefits of incorporating MicrobiomeX® into your formulation.

    microbiomex or gut health

    What is gut health and why is the gut microbiome important?

    The gastrointestinal system is often referred to as the ‘gut’, including the stomach, intestines, and colon. Its primary function is to digest and absorb nutrients, essential for meeting our energy needs.

    Within the gut approximately 200 billion species of bacteria reside, collectively known as the gut microbiome. Many of these microorganisms play a vital role in food digestion and are crucial for maintaining a healthy gut and overall well-being.

    It’s important to recognize that the condition of the gut microbiome can significantly impact physical health, but also mental health. Well-established connections exist between the gut microbiome and various aspects such as the immune system, the gut wall, mental health, autoimmune diseases, sleep, skin health etc. (1). Numerous factors, including diet, age, and lifestyle, can influence the gut microbiome. Hence, it is clearly important to maintain and support a healthy gut microbiota through nutritious foods and supplements.


    Tips for improving Gut Health

    Enhancing gut health is possible through dietary and lifestyle choices. Certain foods are known for their positive impact on gut health, particularly fermented foods and fiber-rich options. By increasing their intake, we can reduce the risk of developing gut inflammation and metabolic diseases. Incorporating physical activity and using supplements, including prebiotics and probiotics, are additional strategies. Emerging products now focus on non-fermenting plant-based ingredients, such as prebiotics and citrus flavonoids.

    Exploring Prebiotics, Probiotics and More


    • Prebiotics: these non-digestible food ingredients offer health benefits by selectively stimulating the growth and activity of specific intestinal bacteria (2). Foods rich in prebiotics include onions, garlic, greens, cereals and bananas.


    • Probiotics: Live microorganisms that benefit the host by reducing harmful bacteria and supporting the gut’s natural flora (3). Consider consuming fermented foods and probiotic supplements, such as yogurt, tempeh, kombucha, and kimchi, to promote good bacteria.


    • Postbiotics: the byproducts of digestion (4). vitamins B and K, antimicrobial peptides, amino acids, and short-chain fatty acids, play a role in supporting good bacteria. Some postbiotics, like de-glycosylated ‘active’ flavonoids, are generated by specific beneficial bacteria and are also known as flavobiotics.


    • Synbiotics: a powerful combination of probiotics and prebiotics (5). As mentioned above, prebiotics support the function of probiotics, working in synergy to optimize digestive health and bolster the immune system.

    Understanding flavonoids

    What are flavonoids?   Flavonoids are natural substances found in plants, known for their diverse health benefits. They have become an indispensable part of the nutraceutical market, due to their ability to modulate key cellular enzymes and their antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and anticarcinogenic properties.


    Fortunately, sourcing flavonoids is sustainable. They are primarily extracted from immature fruits in an eco-friendly manner. For example, orange and grapefruit trees bloom annually, but not all blossoms can become full grown fruits. The trees undergo a natural selection process called ‘fruit drop,’ shedding immature fruits to conserve their resources.


    What are the benefits of using immature fruits?

    After the fruit drop, immature oranges and grapefruits are not suitable for raw consumption. Still, they are full of valuable nutrients. To harness these nutrients, the most practical approach is to process them into a powdered form, which can be easily incorporated into nutritional supplements.


    Why do immature oranges and grapefruits matter?

    These immature fruits are particularly rich in a nutrient of interest, hesperidin. By standardizing the extract from immature oranges for hesperidin content, we can create an eco-friendly and sustainable ingredient. As mentioned earlier, fruit drop is a natural occurrence, and these immature oranges become a byproduct that we can utilize. Similarly, another valuable ingredient, naringin, can be extracted from immature grapefruits.


    What are hesperidin and naringin?

    Hesperidin and naringin are flavonoids with numerous health benefits. What sets them apart is their unique ability to reach the colon intact, where they directly nourish the gut microbiome. This, in turn, leads to the production of short-chain fatty acids (6, 7), including the vital butyrate, the primary energy source for colon wall cells.


    These flavonoids are abundantly found in citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons (8). The extraction of valuable flavonoids from such citrus fruits is a well-established practice. Extensive studies (9) confirm that a combination of hesperidin and naringin positively affects the gut microbiome composition by improving the short-chain fatty acids profile, mainly increasing butyrate content


    How can hesperidin and naringin improve gut health?

    The unique chemical structure of hesperidin and naringin allows them to traverse the digestive system, arriving mostly intact in the colon. Here, the gut microbiota breaks them down into their active forms, hesperetin and naringenin, both highly bioavailable and transported to various tissues via the bloodstream.


    Notably, hesperidin and naringin selectively nourish specific bacteria species, such as Bifidobacterium, Roseburia, and Lactobacilli (10). This promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria, reinforcing the gut’s defense against harmful pathogens. Additionally, these flavonoids play a pivotal role in supporting the immune system by inhibiting oxidative stress and gut inflammation.


    In summary, the journey from immature fruits to powdered extracts of hesperidin and naringin offers an eco-friendly and sustainable way to enhance gut health and overall well-being, while also minimizing waste and maximizing the benefits of these valuable compounds.

    microbiomex and immature oranges

    What is MicrobiomeX®?

    MicrobiomeX® is a potent blend of extracts derived from Citrus sinensis (immature oranges) and Citrus paradisi (grapefruit). It stands as a pioneering Flavobiotic®, designed to fortify the gut barrier and unlock the full potential of the gut microbiome. Remarkably, MicrobiomeX® is entirely plant-based and produced sustainably. It adheres to multiple dietary preferences, including vegan, halal, kosher, gluten-free, and hormone-free. Notably, MicrobiomeX® distinguishes itself by being non-fermenting, with its flavonoids activated through a microbiota-driven process known as de-glycosylation.


    Extensive research conducted by Solabia Nutrition, through pre-clinical and clinical trials, has illuminated the remarkable benefits of MicrobiomeX®. Consumption of MicrobiomeX® leads to an enhanced profile of short-chain fatty acids, with a specific increase in butyrate. Additionally, calprotectin levels decrease, signaling a reduction in gut inflammation.


    Who can benefit from taking MicrobiomeX®?

    MicrobiomeX® can be beneficial for everyone who wants to immprove their microbiome composition and strengthen their immunity. For a more targeted approach, this blend of sweet orange and pomegranate extracts could help the following groups:


    MicrobiomeX® is a promising solution for individuals struggling with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Notably, MicrobiomeX®’ non-fermenting nature reduces the production of gas and intestinal discomfort. Additionally, it fosters the proliferation of Bifidobacterium, a beneficial bacteria associated with improved gastrointestinal symptoms in individuals with IBS.


    Another demographic that can find MicrobiomeX® beneficial is athletes, particularly those engaged in endurance sports. Endurance athletes frequently experience gastrointestinal discomfort due to the extended and repetitive nature of activities like running or cycling. MicrobiomeX® offers a potential remedy by reducing gut permeability and bolstering the gut barrier.

    What is our source of citrus flavonoids?

    Nestled in the heart of Spain, at Finca la Gloria, lies a family-run orange plantation. Here, eco-friendly methods are employed to safeguard the trees, eschewing the use of pesticides. Every year, the orange trees burst with blooms. After the natural selection process known as ‘fruit drop,’ immature oranges fall from the trees. Fortunately, they are readily available for us to harvest and extract all benefits they can offer.

    Learn more about MicrobiomeX®

    If you are curious to know more about MicrobiomeX®, you can check out the product page of MicrobiomeX® or its website.