how a healthy microbiome boosts your immune system

How a healthy microbiome boosts your immune system

Unlocking the power of your gut: how a healthy microbiome boosts your immune system

Last updated: October 4th, 2024

August 18th, 2023

Did you know that your immune system’s performance is intricately tied to the health of your gut microbiome? In this article, we delve into the fascinating connection between your gut microbiome and immune system. Discover the key role of the gut microbiome in immune function and learn about the dietary components that can nurture a diverse and thriving gut ecosystem.

how a healthy microbiome boosts your immune system

A symbiotic relationship: gut microbiome and immune system harmony

The human body is a complex ecosystem housing trillions of microorganisms, collectively known as the microbiome. Among these, the gut microbiome stands out as a vibrant community of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites (1).

This intricate network collaborates to maintain a balanced blend of beneficial microorganisms, protecting us from potential invaders.

Recent advancements have highlighted the gut microbiome‘s dynamic involvement in our well-being, extending beyond passive existence.

This intricate web of microorganisms actively influences various bodily functions, including bolstering the development and efficacy of the immune system. Our immune system, in turn, maintains a delicate equilibrium, defending against pathogens while avoiding autoimmune responses (2).

Microbiome’s immune-boosting strategies

Short-Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs)

At the heart of the gut microbiota’s influence on immunity lies the production of Short-Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs) through dietary fiber fermentation in the large intestine (3).

These SCFAs, such as acetate, propionate, and butyrate, play a pivotal role in maintaining gut balance and modulating immune responses. They orchestrate immune cell functions, like regulatory T cells and antigen-presenting cells, and stimulate cytokine and chemokine production, bolstering immunity.

Furthermore, SCFAs can directly quell pathogenic activity by suppressing virulence-related genes, curbing potential threats.

Fortifying the barricade: tight junctions

The gut’s tight junctions act as gatekeepers, upholding the integrity of the intestinal barrier (4). Inflammation or infections can disrupt these barriers, allowing undesirable substances to escape into the bloodstream, triggering immune responses (5, 6).

SCFAs step in as allies here, contributing to the assembly of robust tight junctions within intestinal cell walls. This reinforcement prevents the escape of harmful toxins from the gut, bolstering the gut wall’s ability to shield against infections (5).

When this symbiotic relationship thrives, the immune system guards us against infections. However, an unbalanced microbiota composition might trigger inflammation and chronic diseases (1, 5).

Strategies to help the gut ecosystem flourish

A diverse and balanced gut microbiome is universally recognized as vital for our health (7). Research highlights that such diversity empowers immune responses against infections while reducing autoimmune responses. Conversely, a low-diversity microbiome is linked to chronic inflammation and an elevated risk of colorectal cancer.

To nurture a flourishing and diverse gut microbiome, prioritizing a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle is very important.

Choose for a spectrum of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein sources. These foods, rich in fiber, prebiotics, and nutrients, provide nourishment for beneficial gut bacteria.

1. Fiber: the gut’s aid for immunity

Fiber’s role in gut health is crucial, as it bolsters microbiome diversity. A diet rich in fiber from fruits, vegetables and whole grains enhances gut bacteria abundance and diversity. This, in turn, augments immune function, reducing chronic disease risks (8).

2. Prebiotics: fuel for beneficial bacteria

Prebiotics, a specific type of fiber, serve as sustenance for our beneficial gut inhabitants. Foods like onions, garlic, leeks, asparagus, bananas, and whole grains are brimming with prebiotics, nurturing a thriving microbial community.

3. Water: hydration and gut motility

Staying hydrated is crucial for optimal gut function. Drinking plenty of water helps maintain proper gut motility and prevents constipation. Adequate hydration supports the movement of food through the digestive tract, allowing beneficial bacteria to thrive and contribute to a healthier gut.

4. Probiotics and postbiotics: allies for immunity

Fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi harbor probiotics—live bacteria conferring health benefits. Additionally, postbiotics, metabolic by-products or components produced during fermentation, like SCFAs, amplify the benefits. Consuming these products directly ingests these components, bolstering health.

5. Synbiotics: Uniting Prebiotics and Probiotics

Synbiotics, the blend of prebiotics and probiotics, synergistically promote gut health. Examples include yogurt with inulin or fructooligosaccharides and kefir with galactooligosaccharides.

6. Reducing stress levels

Besides diet-related strategies, there are other ways to help your gut stay healthy. Stress can negatively impact the gut-brain axis and disrupt gut health. Practicing stress-reduction techniques like meditation or deep breathing can have a positive impact on both your mental well-being and gut health.

Cultivate your gut for immune resilience

In summary, the gut microbiome directly impacts the immune system’s effectiveness. A thriving and varied gut ecosystem protects us against infections and chronic problems, while an imbalanced one heightens vulnerability. By embracing a well-rounded diet full of fiber, prebiotics and fermented foods, we can nurture our gut microbiome, supporting overall health.

better sleep with diet

How to improve sleep through the diet?

How to improve sleep through the diet?

Maastricht, 27th September, 2024

Sleep is a fundamental physiological need, yet sleep-related issues are increasingly common, driving many to seek healthcare, a clear sign of a growing problem in today’s society. Emerging research, however, highlights that the food we consume can greatly influence the quality of our sleep. So, how can we enhance our sleep by making more mindful dietary choices? 

better sleep with diet

How Poor Sleep Affects Your Mind and Body 

Poor sleep quality not only leaves us feeling tired and unfocused, but it also contributes to a range of mental health issues such as memory loss, depression, anxiety, and stress. Additionally, it increases the risk of developing cardiometabolic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension (1).  

What Happens When We Sleep? 

Sleep isn’t just about closing your eyes and drifting off. It’s a complex process that occurs in four distinct stages: lightest sleep, light sleep, deep sleep, and finally, active sleep also called rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The first three stages progressively lead to deeper and more restorative sleep. When sleep is inadequate, it can disrupt the balance and duration of these stages, ultimately diminishing the quality of our rest and impacting overall well-being (2).   

The Role of Nutrients in Sleep 

Diet plays a crucial role in both sleep quality and overall health. For instance, foods rich in tryptophan – an amino acid found in protein sources – can help to improve sleep by increasing its duration, enhancing efficiency, and reducing the time it takes to fall asleep (2). But how can tryptophan be so important? 

Tryptophan is a precursor to both serotonin and melatonin, two key players in regulating sleep. The body converts tryptophan into serotonin, which then transforms into melatonin. But what exactly do these two chemicals do for sleep?  

Serotonin, a neurotransmitter, plays a dual role in sleep regulation, as it is involved in processes necessary for both wakefulness and sleep. Its function is complex, but it appears that during the day, serotonin promotes wakefulness by keeping you alert. Additionally, it serves as a precursor to melatonin, making it essential for initiating sleep later in the evening.

Melatonin, often called the ‘sleep hormone,’ regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Its levels remain low during the day and naturally rise in the evening in response to darkness, signaling to your body that it’s time to sleep (3). 


The Role of Gut Microbiota in Sleep 

Recent research has highlighted another crucial factor influencing sleep: the gut microbiota. This complex community of microorganisms in our digestive system has a significant impact on the central nervous system. Disruptions in gut microbiota balance can lead to anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders (4).

Studies have shown that maintaining the homeostasis of gut microbiota is essential for improving insomnia. A disrupted microbiota can negatively affect sleep quality, but dietary strategies like probiotics or prebiotics offer promising solutions for improving insomnia and overall sleep quality (4).

Foods that Promote Better Sleep 

To improve sleep, it’s beneficial to incorporate foods that are high in tryptophan into your diet. This includes animal products like beef, lamb, pork, poultry, and dairy, as well as in plant-based sources such as nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes. These foods can help increase sleep duration and efficiency, reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, and decrease nighttime awakenings (3). 

Dietary patterns also play a role in sleep quality. High-carbohydrate diets are linked to shorter sleep onset latency and increased active sleep (5). A balanced diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables—foods that are high in tryptophan and high in prebiotic fiberscan enhance sleep (6). 


Improving sleep through dietary choices is a practical and effective approach to achieving better rest and overall health. By incorporating tryptophan-rich foods, maintaining a balanced diet, and supporting gut microbiota health, you can enhance your sleep quality and overall well-being. Remember, making small, mindful changes in your diet can lead to significant improvements in your sleep and daily life. So, why not start today and see the difference it can make for you? 


Can Prebiotics and Probiotics relieve IBS symptoms?

Can Prebiotics and Probiotics help relieve IBS symptoms?

Last updated: September 20th, 2024

May 19th, 2022

Prebiotics and probiotics are a key topic for people experiencing gastrointestinal problems. Researchers have conducted various studies regarding their influence on improving IBS symptoms. In this article, we will explain the different types of IBS and how prebiotics and probiotics may be beneficial in managing this condition.


What is IBS?

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic condition that affects the quality of people’s lives and includes symptoms such as abdominal pain or discomfort, bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea [1].

Some studies have estimated that more than 9% of the worldwide population suffers from IBS, with women 1.5 to 3 times more likely to experience IBS symptoms [2].

To date, IBS causes are still unknown and some possible factors that are responsible for IBS, include physiological disturbances, genetics, and digestive motility [3]. Based on the abnormal manifestation of the bowel movements, IBS has four subtypes [4, 5].

  1. IBS-C: Constipation prevailing
  2. IBS-D: Diarrhea predominant
  3. IBS-M: Mixed of constipation and diarrhea
  4. IBS-U: Unspecified, when a patient does not belong to any of the above categories

Probiotics and IBS

Although the causes of IBS are still unknown, it has been suggested that an imbalance of the gut microbiota can be responsible for its occurance.

Probiotics are live microorganisms that confer a health benefit on the host by decreasing the harmful bacteria and supporting the gut’s natural bacteria [6]. If you want to increase the good bacteria in your body, various fermented foods and supplements include probiotics.

As for food, a few suggestions might be yoghurt, tempeh, kombucha and kimchi, while supplements usually include beneficial strains like Saccharomyces Boulardii, Bifidobacterium Bifidum, Bifidobacterium Lactis, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, and Lactobacillus Plantarum.

Research has shown that IBS symptoms can be improved by the daily consumption of Probiotics, even if the exact mechanism is still not completely understood [7]. Probiotics can act in different ways depending on the type of IBS and other factors such as age and gender [8].

It is proposed that Probiotics may improve IBS symptoms by [9]:

• Inhibiting the colonisation of pathogens in the gut
• Enhancing the gut barrier function
• Boosting the immune system
• Improving digestive functions
• Reducing inflammation in the gut and gas formation

What are prebiotics?

Prebiotics are non-digestible fibre compounds that are fermented by the gut microbiota, stimulating the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria in the gut [10]. To classify these compounds as prebiotics, they need to comply with three requirements [11]:

• be non-digestible and resistant to breakdown by stomach acid and enzymes in the human gastrointestinal tract
• be fermented by living microorganisms in the gut
• stimulate the growth and/or activity of beneficial bacteria (probiotics)

It is possible to combine prebiotics with probiotics to create synbiotic dietary supplements. You can read more about that here.

Prebiotics and IBS

Research into the role of prebiotics in managing IBS symptoms is conflicting and shows that the beneficial effect may be subjective and depend on the IBS and type.

For example, some studies found that soluble fibres such as psyllium and inulin may provide significant pain relief for IBS patients with constipation and/or diarrhoea. In contrast, other studies found that the effect is limited.

Prebiotics act by stimulating the growth of a bacterium that produces lactic acid called Bifidobacterium. Interestingly, Bifidobacterium has been associated with improved gastrointestinal symptoms in people with IBS. More specifically, this genus lowers the pH to desirable levels for beneficial microbes and undesirable levels for pathogenic bacteria

The consumption of specific prebiotics such as arabinoxylans from wheat can increase the amount of Bifidobacterium in the colon.

In addition, there are also molecules with known prebiotic activity, such as citrus-derived flavonoids. Research has shown that these compounds can reach the colon without being digested and are metabolised by the gut microbiota, stimulating the growth of beneficial bacteria..

These prebiotic flavonoids are different from prebiotic fibres because they are not fermented but rather deglycosylated by the gut microbiota. Furthermore, their ability to work at low doses is associated with their high tolerance as opposed to fibres. Finally, the lack of fermentation avoids gas formation and the resulting feeling of bloating and flatulence.

Multiple studies have shown better protection of gut mucosa against colonisation by pathogens and viruses. Also, citrus flavonoids allow greater production of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) like butyrate and propionate, important compounds for the immune system and metabolic functions.

The bottom line

IBS is a chronic condition that affects a large part of the world’s population.

There are some treatment strategies to reduce or eliminate symptoms, such as dietary modifications and lifestyle changes.

In many cases, probiotics and prebiotics may be beneficial in managing the IBS symptoms. However, the beneficial effect is subjective and depends on the IBS type. Therefore, it is essential to understand how dietary changes and supplementations affect the symptoms.

what happens when i eat a prebiotic

What happens when I eat prebiotics?

What happens when I eat prebiotics?

Maastricht, 13th September, 2024

Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that stimulate the growth and activity of our intestinal bacteria. Since they have several beneficial effects on the gut health, such as microbiota support and immune system modulation, they have far reaching effects on our overall health and well-being. This article summarizes the route through the digestive system and the end benefits that can be obtained through ingestion of prebiotics and prebiotic supplements.


what happens when i eat a prebiotic

The journey of prebiotics from the mouth to the intestines

Prebiotics do not get absorbed in the mouth. Instead, they journey through the gastrointestinal tract (1) until they reach the large intestine, where they are fermented by the gut microbiota. Here is a breakdown of their journey:

The journey of prebiotics from the mouth to the intestines typically involves the following steps (2):

  1. Ingestion – Prebiotics are consumed as part of the diet through various high fibre food sources.
  2. Passage through the stomach – Once ingested, prebiotics pass through the stomach where they are exposed to gastric acids and enzymes. However, they are not broken down or absorbed in the stomach.
  3. Transit through the small intestine – Prebiotics go into the small intestine where they may undergo minimal digestion by enzymes. Those enzymes are produced by the pancreas, However, the majority of the prebiotics remain intact as they are not broken down by human digestive enzymes.
  4. Fermentation in the large intestine – The undigested prebiotics reach the large intestine, which is also called the colon. There they serve as a substrate for fermentation by the gut microbiota.
  5. Absorption of fermentation byproducts.

These 2 beneficial bacteria play a major role in the fermentation of prebiotics

Two key types of beneficial bacteria in the gut are Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli, which can be significantly stimulated by galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS). GOS are a type of prebiotic fiber made up of short chains of galactose molecules connected by glycosidic bonds, derived from lactose (3).

Bifidobacteria are anaerobic bacteria that predominantly reside in the human colon and are one of the most abundant genera in the gut microbiota (4).

Lactobacilli, also Gram-positive bacteria, are commonly found in the human gastrointestinal tract (5). Both Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli contribute to gut health by aiding digestion, supporting immune function, and inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria. Research indicates that certain strains of Lactobacilli offer additional health benefits, such as reducing the risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, alleviating symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and promoting vaginal health in women (4, 5).

What are prebiotics doing in the intestines?

When prebiotics reach the colon, Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli, and other gut bacteria possess enzymes capable of breaking down the carbohydrates in prebiotics—something human digestive enzymes cannot do.

As prebiotics are fermented by these bacteria, they produce various metabolites, mainly short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) like acetate, propionate, and butyrate. These SCFAs play a vital role in maintaining gut health and offer numerous benefits to the body. Additionally, fermentation generates gases such as hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide, which can affect gut motility and lead to bloating and flatulence in some individuals (6).

SCFAs are absorbed into the bloodstream via the colon lining and travel to various tissues and organs. In particular, they reach the liver, where they can be metabolized or used as an energy source.

Butyrate is especially important for colonic health, serving as the primary energy source for colon cells (colonocytes) and helping maintain a healthy gut barrier (7).

Acetate and propionate have also been shown to influence metabolic processes and may play a role in regulating glucose and lipid metabolism (8).

How to increase your intake of prebiotics?


In conclusion, Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli are essential gut bacteria that promote digestive health, immune function, and inhibit harmful pathogens. Prebiotics stimulate these bacteria, leading to the production of SCFAs such as butyrate, acetate, and propionate. These SCFAs support gut health, influence metabolic processes, and contribute to overall well-being.


How can flavonoids improve gut health?

How can flavonoids improve gut health?

Last updated: September 6th, 2024

February 15th, 2023

Flavonoids are polyphenols that exert beneficial effects in the body, improving gut health and boosting the microbiome. In this article, we will describe how flavonoids, and especially hesperidin and naringin, can change the gut microbiome composition, increase gut barrier function, enhance the immune system, and altogether improve gut health.


What are flavonoids?

Flavonoids are a group of phytonutrients (chemicals of plants) that are found in various fruits and vegetables. Flavonoids give color to fruits and vegetables, but are also found in cacao, coffee and tea. There are more than 6,000 types of flavonoids.

Flavonoids also have a wide range of beneficial effects, such as reducing chronic inflammation, and reducing risks associated with cancer and cardiovascular diseases (1, 2). Thus, implementing different flavonoids in your daily diet could be beneficial your health.

Flavonoids and gut health

Gut health and the gut microbiome have been gaining a lot of interest in the past years as important regulators of host health.

The gut barrier is because it acts as a physical defence against toxins and microorganisms. This barrier should remain intact to function properly.

Flavonoids may improve intestinal barrier function via inhibition of inflammatory proteins such as nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB), and via reduction of oxidative stress.

Flavonoids also contribute to the preservation of the intestinal tight junction barrier and structure, which is important for remaining the physical barrier for pathogens (3).

Flavonoids can stimulate short-chain fatty acids to increase gut health

Additionally, it is found that flavonoids can increase faecal short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which may be a result of increased SCFA production in the gut. SCFAs have different beneficial effects on the host and gut health. These benefits include serving as energetic fuel for intestinal epithelial cells, and improving intestinal barrier function (4, 5).

An important SCFA for gut health is butyrate. It can bind to G-protein-coupled receptors. Upon binding, different anti-inflammatory signalling pathways can be promoted in macrophages and dendritic cells, which are important in the immune system of the colon (6).

Thus, flavonoids can increase gut barrier function and SCFA production, and enhance the immune system via butyrate. Therefore, they are beneficial for gut health and it’s also shown in human studies that they can be used for inflammatory bowel diseases! (3)

Two flavonoids for gut health – What are hesperidin and naringin?

Hesperidin and naringin are flavanones, a subclass of flavonoids. These flavanones are mostly present in freshly prepared juices of citrus fruit, such as grapefruit, oranges and lemons. But it’s worth noting that hesperidin can be obtained in higher concentrations than naringin. Both compounds are even more abundant in the peels of these citrus fruits.

After oral consumption, hesperidin and naringin reach the colon almost completely intact, because they are difficult to degrade by the enzymes in the stomach and the small intestine.

This means the gut microbiota can digest them. They do this by releasing α-rhamnosidase, which converts hesperidin and naringin to hesperetin and naringenin. These metabolites are more bioavailable to the body, resulting in higher uptake by the gut into the blood, meaning they can be used by other tissues (7).

Hesperidin and naringin can feed specific bacteria, meaning they can influence the microbiome. It was shown that naringin could reduce microbial dysbiosis caused by a high fat diet in mice. This means that harmful bacteria were reduced and there was an increase in beneficial bacteria (8).

Hesperidin and naringin also play a role in immune system regulation. They can inhibit gut inflammation and oxidative stress by increasing antioxidant levels. By bringing gut inflammation down, the gut barrier stays intact as a physical defence against pathogens.

Hesperidin and naringin: Hero flavonoids of MicrobiomeX®

Hesperidin and naringin are the focus of many clinical trials performed by Solabia Nutrition. Their synergistic effect resulted in the development of MicrobiomeX®, a natural blend of extracts from Citrus sinensis and Citrus paradisi.

In vitro simulations of the human colon with the TIM-2 system showed that MicrobiomeX® could increase butyrate-producing bacteria Roseburia spp. and acetate-producing bacteria B. eggerthii (9). As mentioned before, butyrate is an important SCFA for gut health.

Besides in vitro studies, clinical trials have also been done on the butyrate-increasing properties of MicrobiomeX®. All clinical trials are available in the MicrobiomeX® White Paper.

It has also been found that by consuming MicrobiomeX® calprotectin levels went down, which could indicate that MicrobiomeX® helps to bring gut inflammation down.

MicrobiomeX® combines the benefits of the flavonoids hesperidin and naringin and is therefore an ideal ingredient for gut health support.

clinical endpoints for stress

How to measure stress in a clinical study?

How to measure stress in a clinical study?

Maastricht, 30th August, 2024

Long exposure to stress can come with several clinical implications for one’s physical as well as mental health. Stress can be clinically measured at multiple levels. Self-assessment scales reflect a subjective way to measure stress while biomarkers reflect a more objective measure of stress. Both types of measures are important in order to understand the relationship between stress and health and how to properly intervene. In this article we will outline Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), the Life Events and Difficulties Schedule (LEDS) and physiological measures such as cortisol levels, heart rate, and cytokine levels.


clinical endpoints for stress

What is stress?

Stress refers to experiences in which the demands of a certain event surpass an individual’s ability to cope with the situation. An important distinction has to be made between so-called stressors and the following response to these. Stressors are certain stressful events that have the potential to disturb an individual’s ability to function optimally. Stressors lead to stress responses, which are the cognitive, emotional, and biological reactions that evoke after such event (1).

When measuring stress, clinical endpoints often focus on both psychological as well as physiological indicators.


Below are the top clinically validated measures for stress


Psychological Measures for Stress

Psychological measures often include self-report measures of stress in the form of scales and questionnaires.


The Perceived Stress Scale:

The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) is the most common psychological scale to measure stress. It measures to what extent certain life situations are perceived as stressful over the past month. Scores are calculated through the use of the following five-point scale: 0 = never, 1 = almost never, 2 = once in a while, 3 = often, and 4 = very often. The total of this score represents the level of perceived stress. It captures stress over a shorter period of time (2).


Life Events and Difficulties Schedule:

The Life Events and Difficulties Schedule (LEDS) measures the exposure to severe acute events and chronic obstacles over the previous year. It involves an interview where the participant has to recall 95 possible life events. Additional context around each event is proved by the participant as well. Such events are grouped into one of the following 10 domains: education, work, reproduction, housing, money/possessions, crime/legal, health/treatment/accidents, marital/partner relationship, other relationships, and miscellaneous (2).


Physiological Measures for Stress

Physiological measures often include tracking the levels of several biomarkers in order to assess the HPA axis, autonomic nervous system, and immune system.


Cortisol – HPA axis:

The HPA axis is especially responsive to psychosocial stress. The main output of this axis is the hormone cortisol. Cortisol levels in the body can vary depending on environmental events and surrounding stressors. Cortisol can fluctuate acutely but can also be chronically high or low. Cortisol can be measured at multiple levels (2):

  • Saliva – representing acute cortisol changes
  • Blood – representing acute cortisol changes
  • Urine – representing daily cortisol secretion
  • Hair – representing long-term cortisol levels


Cardiac performance – Autonomic nervous system:

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is one of the main influencers of cardiac performance. Heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV) can be used to assess variations within the ANS response to stressors. Heart rate refers to the number of beats per minute. HRV refers to the fluctuating time in between heart beats. When exposed to stress, heart rate as well as breathing patterns often speed up while HRV decreases (2).


Cytokines – Immune system:

Activation of the immune system is also a response to stress. Cytokines are a group of signalling molecules which regulate immune function. They can be measured from the blood. Interleukin (IL)-6, for example, plays an important role in the onset of fever and the acute inflammatory response. C-reactive protein (CRP) is released in response to inflammation and has been associated with stress in humans (2).


Grasping the relationship between stress and health

Stress can be measured at multiple levels. Self-assessment scales reflect a subjective way to measure stress while biomarkers reflect a more objective measure of stress. Both types of measures are important in order to understand the relationship between stress and health.

From tree to health support uncovering the benefits of olives, olive leaf and olive oil

How can oleuropein support women's health?

How can oleuropein support women’s health?

Last updated: August 23rd, 2024

July 25th, 2023

Delve into the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet, centering around olives and extra virgin olive oil. Uncover the benefitial effects of oleuropein, particularly for women in menopause.

From tree to health support uncovering the benefits of olives, olive leaf and olive oil

The Mediterranean diet has gained recognition as one of the healthiest diets globally, known for its potential to prevent long-term health conditions.

Key components of this diet include olives and extra virgin olive oil. In this article, we will delve into their composition, exploring the various health benefits associated with their consumption. Moreover, we will focus on their potential advantages for women facing menopausal concerns, shedding light on the natural, hormone-free alternatives available to alleviate their symptoms.

Olives and extra virgin olive oil: Pillars of Mediterranean health

The Mediterranean diet revolves around plant-based foods, whole grains, nuts, herbs, and spices. It encourages moderate consumption of fish, seafood, and poultry, while red meat and sugar are consumed infrequently. The main source of added fat in this diet is extra virgin olive oil, which stands out for its numerous health benefits (1).

Composition of extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is derived from freshly cold-pressed olives, the fruits of the olive tree (Olea europaea). This process ensures that the beneficial components of extra virgin olive oil, known as biophenols, are preserved.

The primary fatty acids in extra virgin olive oil are monounsaturates, particularly oleic acid, which constitutes 55-80% of the total fatty acid content. The remaining portion consists of small amounts of saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Beyond the fatty acids, extra virgin olive oil contains various minor components such as antioxidants, including carotenoids, α-tocopherol, and phenol compounds like hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, and oleuropein. Oleuropein, in particular, is present in olives, olive leaves, and olive oil and is a key player for the health benefits associated with these products.

What are the health benefits of Oleuropein?

Oleuropein has been extensively studied for its potential in preventing various disorders. As an antioxidant, it effectively combats harmful compounds in the body. Studies have demonstrated its ability to protect cells from oxidative damage, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and contributing to the prevention of inflammatory conditions (2, 3).

Furthermore, the cardiovascular benefits of oleuropein are noteworthy, as it reduces LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels. This effect, in combination with its antioxidant properties, contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis.

Interestingly, while oleuropein is present in olive oil and olives, olive leaves contain even higher levels of this beneficial compound. This makes olive leaves a great source for obtaining oleuropein and reaping its healthful advantages (4).

An example of an olive leaf extract that has high levels of oleuropein is Bonolive®.

Women’s health: how can it benefit from olives?

Postmenopausal women often experience symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, and mood swings. The global population of menopausal women has grown significantly, leading to increased demand for research on natural alternatives to alleviate these symptoms (5).

Oleuropein’s antioxidant properties are also relevant to women’s health. Oxidative stress is a contributing factor to the development of various diseases, and antioxidants like oleuropein help counteract this stress, promoting overall well-being (6).

Recent studies have also shown that oleuropein may have positive effects on bone health, which further enhances its impact on women’s health, especially during and after menopause.

Osteoporosis, a condition characterized by reduced bone density and an increased risk of fractures, is a significant concern for menopausal women due to hormonal changes and declining estrogen levels. The anti-inflammatory properties of oleuropein play a crucial role in reducing bone loss and inflammation, helping to maintain bone strength and integrity.

Oleuropein and women’s health: the benefits of olives and olive leaf

The Mediterranean diet, which includes olives and extra virgin olive oil, offers many health benefits, thanks to oleuropein: a compound that helps prevent diseases and promotes overall well-being, especially in women post-menopause.

For those who may have limited olives or olive oil in their regular diet, supplements containing high levels of oleuropein might be beneficial. Bonolive® is high in oleuropein content and has been extensively studied.

To read more about these studies, download our white paper below.

biohacking for longer life

Biohacking: How to reverse the biological clock?

Biohacking: How to reverse the biological clock?

Maastricht, 16th August, 2024

On a global level, the number of people aging beyond 65 is rapidly progressing. Everybody would like to live longer but at the same time feel younger. Therefore, we have to start looking for ways to age as healthy as possible. Is biohacking the key?

biohacking for longer life

What is biohacking?

Biohacking is a relatively new term, referring to the optimization of the internal biological processes, aiming to improve physical health and extend one’s lifespan. The focus is on longevity through interference with aging at the cellular and genetic level. Biohacking includes a wide variety of interventions that can be applied to boost energy and vitality. There are several key target areas, like:


Physical activity to slow down the biological clock

Physical activity is known to boost overall health and slow down aging. Different types of physical activity can be done to reverse aging. Engaging in strength training helps to maintain muscle mass, increase bone mineral density, and is of positive influence on overall metabolic health. This contributes to a longer life span in a healthy way. On the other hand, aerobic exercise can improve cardiovascular as well as lung health. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), combining both strength training as well as aerobic exercises, improves general fitness and training’s efficiency (1).


Diet to promote longevity

With regards to nutrition, several dietary methods can be applied to reverse the biological clock. For example, intermittent fasting could stimulate cellular repair processes, decrease inflammation, and improve overall metabolic health (2). Also, caloric restriction, within a certain range, is associated with an increased life span (2). Biohackers try out a lot of different diets in order to achieve the most optimal energy levels, boost brain function and general health. Specific supplements are also used quite frequently in order to fill the nutritional gaps in one’s diet.

Strengthening your bones to improve biological age:


With age, several changes occur to our bone homeostasis that can impact our bone health and thus our biological age (3). The following changes occur:

  • Decrease in bone density – especially in post-menopausal women due to a decrease in estrogen levels
  • Decreased bone remodelling rate
  • Changed bone structure
  • Loss of bone mass

The rapid deterioration of bone health can be slowed down by taking preventive measures. For example, staying physically active or taking supportive supplements could aid in the improvement of bone health and thus the reduction of biological age.


Improved mental health extends lifespan

Stress management is an important aspect for longevity. Practices like meditation and yoga are associated with stress reduction and emotion control (4). Training your cognition and building a cognitive reserve is an important factor to prevent age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases (5).

Sufficient sleep reduces your biological age

Getting enough quality sleep, consistently every night, is essential for cellular repair, optimal immunity and mental health. It is essential to reduce the exposure to sleep-disturbing blue lights in order to keep your circadian rhythm in check (6). Quality sleep means getting approximately 8 hours of sleep every night, passing through the sleep cycle multiple times (7).


Applying technology to measure health parameters

In order to get some insights in your internal health and overall well-being, wearable devices and apps can be of great support. Several metrics like heart rate, blood pressure, sleeping patterns, eating patterns, and activity levels provide valuable data in order to see in which area action is required. In this way, technology serves as a helpful tool to give us knowledge about what to adapt, change and improve to help extend our lifespan.



Human bodies are unique, and they react differently to lifestyle factors and interventions. Yet, everyone would like to live better and longer. The different practices of biohacking may benefit people in different ways. Still, it is a case of trial and error to find the most optimal solution for optimal energy, mental, and physical health for each individual.

supplement for energy and vitality

Top 5 reasons to include Actiful® in your energy supplement

Top 5 reasons to include Actiful® in your energy supplement

Last updated: August 9th, 2024

May 25th, 2023

The need for clinically tested supplements is increasing as consumers become more aware of their impact on health. Yet, a lot of ingredients are saturating the market and supplement formulators may feel overwhelmed to make the right choices. In this article, we’ll cover the top five reasons why Actiful® is a good ingredient for your energy supplement.

supplement for energy and vitality

Increasing market demand for vitality supplements

Low energy levels and a lack of vitality are common challanges in today’s fast-paced world. Many consumers turn to dietary supplements to manage the daily mental and physical stressors they face. Energy-enhancing supplements aim to prevent fatigue, increase physical activity, and promote social engagement.

A Mediterranean complex of orange and pomegranate

Actfiul® is a patent-protected, all-natural ingredient. It is standardized for its hesperidin and punicalagin content: the main polyphenols found in sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) and pomegranate (Punica granatum), respectively. Both compounds have been extensively studied for their potential health benefits.

Top 5 reasons to use Actiful® as an ingredient for your energy supplement


1. Enhanced physical performance in both young and old

A recent study among active seniors found that daily supplementation with Actiful® for four weeks significantly increased their handgrip strength (1). Handgrip strength is a crucial measure of physical fitness in the elderly as it is indicative of overall health and functional status in day-to-day life.

2. Mental wellbeing

In addition to improved physical fitness, senoir subjects who supplemented Actiful® also experienced psychological benefits. Compared to the placebo group, the Actiful® group demonstrated significant improvements in cognitive domains such as thinking, memory, learning, and concentration (1). These elements are essential for maintaining one’s quality of life and wellbeing.

Given the critical connection between the mind and body, Actiful® is a great possibility for physical and mental boost.

3. Lowering the proton leakage in mitochondria

To produce energy, mitochondria require oxygen. The protons in the intermembrane space are needed to support the energy production process. However, due to unregulated or induced leaks, protons could leave this space and delay the energy production (2). By inhibiting proton leakage across the mitochondrial intermembrane, the energy production cam be enhanced directly.

A strategy to boost mitochondria function is to include specific nutrients into the diet. For example, experiments in muscle cells have demonstrated that hesperidin, the active ingredient of Actiful®, could improve energy production by directly targeting the mitochondria (3).

4. ROS scavenging effect

During physical activity, there is an increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), stimulating exercise adaptations within the cell. However, excessive amounts of ROS could lead to damage to the mitochondria and other crucial structures of the cell, which can impair their functionality (4).

Hesperidin has been demonstrated to not only scavenge ROS directly but also enhance the natural antioxidant systems present in cells (3). In addition, pomegranate has also been found to improve antioxidant status (5).
Therefore, Actiful®’s antioxidant capabilities may improve vitality by preserving the functionality of cells and tissues.

5. Improved bloodflow

Nitric oxide (NO) is a key factor in regulating blood flow, as it supports vasodilation and angiogenesis, allowing more oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to pass through and reach target cells faster. Notewoerthy, hesperidin is thought to activate the production of eNOS, the enzyme that activates NO production (6).

Furthermore, when oxygen is limited, dietary nitrate raises NO levels internally. Pomegranate, which is high in Punicalagin, is a potent source of dietary nitrate, which is why it was added in the formulation of Actiful®. In this way. hesperidin and punicalagin work together to ensure NO production boost via both pathways.

Actiful®: the key ingredient of your energy supplement

All in all, Actiful® is a natural and safe ingredient that has the ideal properties to be incorporated in energy supplements that aim to provide acute and sustained improvements in vitality!

senescence health beenfits

What is cellular senescence and its impact on health?

What is cellular senescence and its impact on health?

Maastricht, 2nd August, 2024

Cellular senescence is a fascinating and complex biological phenomenon that plays a crucial role in maintaining cellular health. This stage of the cell cycle arrest is not just a passive endpoint for cells; it is an active, multifaceted process that has profound implications for our overall health and aging.

senescence health beenfits

What is cellular senescence?


At its core, cellular senescence is a protective mechanism. When cells experience significant stress—be it from DNA damage, oxidative stress, or simply the natural aging process—they can enter a state of permanent growth arrest. This means they stop dividing but remain metabolically active (1). In other words, senescent cells remain alive and functional, yet they will not multiply anymore. Cells at this stage of their life cycle could exhibit both advantages and disadvantages for overall health


Senescence and its protective effect


When cells become damaged or stressed to the point where they might start dividing uncontrollably (a hallmark of tumor creation), entering senescence prevents this from happening. This growth arrest ensures that damaged cells do not proliferate and form tumors (2). Moreover, senescent cells secrete a variety of factors known as the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), which can recruit immune cells to clear potentially harmful cells (3).


Senescence and tissue health


Senescent cells also play a beneficial role in tissue repair and wound healing. The SASP factors they release can promote tissue regeneration and remodeling (3). This is particularly important in response to injury, where a rapid and effective healing process is critical.

The downside of cellular senescence


However, cellular senescence is not without its downsides. As we age, the number of senescent cells in our tissues increases. While a few senescent cells can aid in repair and protection, an accumulation can have detrimental effects. The SASP, while beneficial in small doses, can create a pro-inflammatory environment when produced in excess (4). This chronic inflammation is linked to a host of age-related and neurodegenerative diseases


Therapeutic potential of senescence


The dual nature of cellular senescence—protective on one hand and potentially harmful on the other—makes it a compelling target for therapeutic interventions. Researchers are exploring ways to selectively remove senescent cells, a strategy known as “senolytics,” to treat age-related diseases and improve health span (5). Another approach is to modulate the SASP to retain its beneficial effects while minimizing its harmful ones.




Cellular senescence is a critical player in the intricate balance of cellular health. It protects us from cancer and aids in tissue repair, yet contributes to aging and chronic disease when not properly regulated. Understanding and manipulating this complex process holds the promise of new therapies to combat age-related diseases and enhance longevity, making cellular senescence a key focus for healthier aging.